Consistent yoga for those who sit a lot

Pose warrior. Take a lunge forward with the right foot . Make sure that your front knee is above the heel . Raise your torso so that your shoulders are just above the hips. Inhale and lift your hands up , cave in a bit ago. Hold for 5 breaths , and then change direction.

 Navasana . Sit leaning on tailbone and lift your legs . Squeeze inner thighs together and point your toes themselves . Try not to lean back too much. Hold for 5 breaths and do .

 Salabhasana . Lie face down to the mat . Somknite fingers behind the castle and the cave in the back to the chest was uncovered . Exhale and lift your feet to breath and chest. Keep your neck, eyes and face relaxed and hold for 5 breaths. For this posture is especially important good mat as pelvis tightly pressed to the floor , which may cause pain

Dhanurasana . Bend your knees , arms pulled back , hold the heel or ankle . Lift the chest and open heart. Reach up. Hold for 5 breaths , then carefully lowered down .

 Virasana . Take a basin between the ankles , fingers pointing back . Hold for 5-10 breaths , then slowly relax.

 supta Virasana
Descend back on his elbows and forearms. If you have the space , continue to slowly descend . You can pull your hands behind your head . Hold for 5-10 breaths , then slowly and gently return to Virasane .

 Setu Bandha Sarvangasana . Lie on your back and put your feet on the mat, so that they are at a distance from each other. Make sure that you can touch the tip of the middle finger heels . Lift the hips up . Or place a block under your sacrum . Keep your neck and throat stretched open. Hold for 5 breaths and relax gradually each vertebra .

 Urdhva Dhanurasana . Lift the hips up , and then put your hands near the ears to toes looked at his feet. On the inhale , lift the top of the head. Straighten your arms and lift your head off the floor. The outer part of the body tends upward, and inner thighs , and back down . Hold for 5 breaths and then gently descend .

 Supta Baddha Konasana . While relaxing on the back , connect the soles of the feet together , knees apart. Put one hand on your heart and the other on your stomach and let the breath to calm down.

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