Here are some facts you may not have known about the delicious foods
1). Scientists have proved that our mental attitude is 30% dependent on what we eat. Products help the body to produce hormones responsible for emotional and health. Synthesis " hormone of joy " ( serotonin ) and " hormone schactya " ( endorphins ) , depends on the food contained in vitamins and minerals.
2). When a person is happy or in love , the body naturally produces a substance phenylethylamine . Sensation of love will help bring chocolate and cocoa, which contain the substance , and therefore rightfully occupy a leading position in the list of products , uplifting .
3). Magnesium - the famous " antistressor ." Replenish magnesium in the body can by eating nuts (especially peanuts , cashews and almonds) and oats .
4). Thiamine (B1) retains a clear memory and zaschitschaet from mental fatigue . This "vitamin pep " comes into contact with soy , legumes and cereals , as well as pork and veal.
5). Excellent prophylactic antidepressant properties has selenium. He also received the name "vitamin longevity ." It is contained in the zucchini, squash , seaweed .
6). Strawberries and raspberries can be called " natural Viagra ." Zinc contained in the seeds of these berries, stimulates the production of testosterone, which in turn enhances sexual desire.